¿Listos para Halloween? Esta semana nos esperan unas clases terroríficamente divertidas! Recordad que podéis traer decoración, trabajo voluntario, libros o historias de terror relacionados con Halloween y el Trick or treat! Aprenderemos vocabulario relacionado, cultura, juegos, canciones e historias en una semana mágica repleta de misterios y diversión.
Para ir calentando motores os atrevéis con esta canción?
Cut out the bones and make a skeleton!
Craft downloads
Dare you enter the Haunted House? Can you find the things you need for your magic spell?
Fun games
A haunted house has lots of scary things in it - ghosts, skeletons and lots more! Can you find objects in the haunted house?
Fun games
Trick or treat? Can you match the spooky Halloween words and creatures?
Word games
Listen! Can you spell the word? Burst the right balloons when they go past!
Word games
Can you find eight Halloween words in this wordsearch?
Word games
October 31st is Halloween. How much do you know about this old festival? Take the quiz!
Play with Friends
Billy and Tom are playing. They're pretending to be wizards and they are making a magic spell. Will the magic spell work?
Short Stories
There are strange things in the dark, dark wood! Click on the cats to find out what is hidden in the dark, dark house!
Short Stories
Podéis acceder a éstas y mas actividades en la web: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/category/topics/halloween
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