12 abr 2021

Actividades animación a la lectura: Book Day Activities

Hemos versionado la canción de call me may be, de Carly Rae Jepsen para invitaros a conocer nuestros libros favoritos, esperamos que os guste y os anime a leer y a divertiros tanto como lo estamos haciendo nosotros en estos días. Anímate a practicar la canción, el estribillo dice: ¡Hey! acabo de conocerte y sé que es de locos pero aquí te dejo mi portada, así que léela... si te apetece. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here is my cover so read me may be.

Our favourite books:

Estos días estamos realizando actividades para el día del libro relacionadas con la animación a la lectura; bookmark, posters, manualidades, visionado de cuentos y canciones relacionadas... Con los más peques estamos conociendo algunos de los monstruos y villanos de cuentos. Una de las maneras para animarles a leer es contarles un cuento de una peli que hayan visto previamente. Monsters S.A les suele gustar mucho y a través de Sully ese gran monstruo que al principio puede parecer aterrador, vamos venciendo los miedos y nos damos cuenta de que los libros son más divertidos cuando hay algún malvado haciendo travesuras. 


Karaoke versionando la canción de call me maybe y mural  con nuestros cuentos favoritos, podréis ver el resultado proximamente de momento un adelanto...

También aprendimos a cómo convertir libros en películas a partir de photo frame.
2 frame animation.




Resultado de imagen de investigation areaAhora investiga y responde a las preguntas que nos plantean desde:

Happy St George´s Day!
Resultado de imagen de england flag
who is the patron saint of England?

 When is St George's Day?

 What is else is celebrated on April 23rd?

 Who was St George?
St. George's Life

When was St George born?

What was St Georges Occupation? What job did St George do?

How many times did St. George visit England?

Patron Saint

 Why is St George the Patron Saint of England?

 What did St George do to become England's patron saint?

 What is St George the Patron Saint of apart from England?

 What does the flag of St George look like?

Legend of St George

 Is the legend of St George really true?

 Did St George really kill a dragon?

 What is the legend of St George?

Who Was St George?

St George (famous for slaying the dragon) is the patron saint of England. He was a Roman soldier who protested against the Roman torture of Christians, and was killed for his beliefs. He is most famous for the story of his fight against the dragon.
Saint George
Saint George was the son of a Christian nobleman, born around 275-285 AD in the Roman province of...
St George's Day Crafts
Celebrate St George's Day this year by raiding the craft cupboard and having a go at some of...
St George's Day Puzzles
Lots NEW! St George is the patron saint of England, and St George's Day is a celebration of...
William Shakespeare

More St George's Day Activities

Wearing a red rose in your buttonhole or on your lapel was a tradition on St George's Day. We've got red rose crafts, red rose printables, and rose colouring pages too...
RosesShakespeare anyone? We have a bumper collection of Shakespeare printables, colouring pages, puzzles and worksheets - for all ages.

Knight crafts and costumes
See our Knight's theme
Learn all about London, England's fascinating capital city, and enjoy colouring pages, printables and crafts.
London Theme
Recursos obtenidos de la web: http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/st-georges-day