27 may 2014


Vocabulario: Electrical items: camera, keyboard, laptop, memory stick, mobile phone, mouse, screen, texts, message. recycled: TV, radio, computer.
Additional language: Messages: flags, horse, mirror, Morse code, pigeon, smoke, drums, communicate, idea, information, send a message, long/short sounds, emergency, lost, rescue, signal, distance, postal system.
Fun expressions: We had a great day, You saved the Incredible Club!, You reallly are incredible!
Estructuras comunicativas: Past simple (regular verbs) (He wanted a computer, He didn’t want a phone, Did you go to the park?, Yes I did/No, I didn’t). Present simple Does she need a mouse?, Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t)
Funciones del lenguaje: Expresar nuestras necesidades. Hablar sobre la comunicación.

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